Katie @ Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher is hosting her first linky party. Here are the rules:
1. Right click and save the button above to put in your post. Make the picture a link when you add it so others can easily find the linky party.
2. Tell about a typical day in your classroom. You can share as little or as much as you would like.
3. Go to Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher blog and link up.
4. Visit the other links to see what a day is like in their class!
Here we go!
5:15 – The alarm goes off. The snooze button is typically hit twice.
5: 30 – I get my tail up and follow the cats to the kitchen. Treats are given (for getting me out of bed) and the Keurig is put to work. I make my lunch and breakfast to-go. If I don’t wait to eat breakfast later, I will be a stark-raving mad hunger monster by 10:00. We have the last lunch in the entire school.
5:45 – Shower. Dry hair. Put on makeup – if I feel like it. ๐ Get dressed.
6:30 – Pick up breakfast, lunch and work bag. Head out the door.
6:45 – Arrive at school. I live just far away enough so that I don’t run into kids at the grocery store, but close enough to have a really easy commute. Turn on lamps. Check email. Set up guided reading materials and make any charts I will need before kids come in.
7:15 – The bell rings and students begin coming in. Morning work begins. One or two of them plop themselves at my table intermittently to ask for help.(I have the inclusion homeroom, and it is a a huge victory when they initiate asking for help!) Pencils are sharpened, book totes are refilled and language games are played.
7:50 – The tardy bell rings and the morning announcements are broadcast.
8:00 – Writer’s Workshop begins. Mini-lesson and work time. Conferences are attempted, but with 14 inclusion students (22 total) there is a lot of small group teaching going on after the mini-lesson.
8:40 – Writer’s Workshop Share Time
8:45 – Reader’s Workshop/Daily 5 begins. Mini-Lesson #1 is standards based. Students go to guided reading or make their first Daily 5 selection.
9:15 – Mini-Lesson #2 is Daily 5 based. We pull our 2nd guided reading group and students make their 2nd Daily 5 choice.
9:40 – Reader’s Workshop Closing
9:45 – Skills Block (Grammar or Spelling)
10:15 – Pack Up and Switch (Our school is departmentalized 1st-5th)
10:20 – 11:20 – Reader’s Workshop and Daily 5 (repeat lesson)
11:20 – 11:45 – Skills Block (repeat lesson)
11:45 – 12:25 – Specials
12:25 – 12:45 – Homework, Read Aloud or Finish Up Skills
12:45 – 1:15 – Lunch ( I told you it was awful.)
1:15 – 2:00 – Writer’s Workshop (repeat lesson)
2:00 – 2:10 – Pack Up/Classroom Jobs
2:10 – 1st Load Dismissal (My teaching partner and I alternate dismissal duty every other week.)
2:40 – 2nd Load Dismissal
2:45 – End Of Day bell rings and teachers can leave to go home. Yeah, right.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have Drama Club practice from 2:45 – 4:30. I end up taking 2-4 kids home, then usually coming back to school and working until 6 or 6:30. Monday, Wednesday and Friday I am usually at school unit 4:30 or 5:00.
Let’s pretend it’s a Thursday…
6:00 – Head to the gym.
7:00 – Wobble home. Attempt to fix dinner of some sort.
8:00 – Collapse on the couch. Watch TV or read.
9:30 – Head to bed. Watch more TV or read more books.
10:00 – Asleep. Hibernating until I have to get up and do it all over again!
I love reading everyone’s posts! Make sure you click on over and link up!
Wow! It is amazing reading all of these link-ups! I am a teacher in Australia and our days are much shorter than yours! Our kiddos come in to the classroom between 8.30-9, and school officially starts at 9! We get an 11-11.30 recess, then a 12.50-1.40 lunch! Then the students go home at 3pm! I am in awe of what a long day you guys have compared to us!
I am shocked at long you have kids in your room before the tardy bell rings. I have never even been in a school that does that. I wish that I had a partner teaching and that I only had to teach reading. I could so pass on the writing and grammar part of it.
Thanks so much for linking up!
Miss Klohn
Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher