This stumbling block was an 8-year-old boy. ๐ Any kind of redirection sent him reeling. Stomping, crying, wailing, gnashing of teeth – it was about 9 kinds of awful. We kept repeating our “family” mantra – You can always turn your day around! – but it didn’t seem to help.
It finally occurred to us that no matter how many times we told him this, all he could SEE was that he was on orange – Teacher’s Choice. Or, he was on red – Parent Contact/Office Visit.
He was so fixated on the consequences that he couldn’t possibly think about ways to turn his day around.
When we talked about it, we knew that WE would enforce consequences where and when they were appropriate — but did they need to be public (on the chart)? We decided they did not.
It took about a week, but I came up with a rhyme for each piece of the chart. I tried to incorporate components of our leadership habits in each section. I busted out the clip art and cute fonts and… viola!
I have never been so excited to test out a creation in my classroom. The difference in our little guy was amazing. When he had to clip down, he would recite the rhyme, talk to one of us and (gasp) move on with his day!!
We saw positive changes in the rest of our little school family as well. I cannot wait to start the year with this tool when we go back.
I would love to hear from you if you decide this is something you want to use! To get it, click on any of the images in this post OR visit the 7 Habits tab up at the top of the blog. You’ll find it there along with lots of other freebies!
Make sure you’re following my 7 Habits Pinterest board for loads of other ideas as well!
You can also sign up below to get a FREE set of Paradigm posters that support the Leader in Me teachings!
Suzy Q says
I really like the way you have focused on the positives, even if the student is having trouble. Great set of posters…thank you for sharing!
Patricia says
I love this clip chart!!! My school is becoming a Leader in Me school this fall. The only thing is that it is quite long so my kids may not be able to reach the top. The clip chart I currently have is a full sheet on green since all students start on green. The other colors (levels) of the chart are half the size.
Abby says
Hi Patricia!
You are going to love being a part of a LIM schoo! The clip chart is long. ๐ My 3rd graders could reach it, but I am working on re-sizing the pages to give people more options for printing the chart. Thanks for the suggestion!
Abby says
Thank you! It helped my little one for sure!
Amanda says
Happy Birthday Abby! I hope you are enjoying your bday weekend. I love this Clip Chart. We are a LIM school too and this is such a cool way to tie everything together. I agree with everyone – great job focusing on the positive. Thanks for sharing. I've grabbed my download.
The Teaching Thief
Mrs. Corbitt says
Happy Birthday weekend! Thanks so much for sharing your clip chart. I love the rhymes!!! I can't wait to use the "new and improved" chart.
๐ Nicole
Tadpole Tidbits
Allison Tate says
I am so thankful to have stumbled upon your blog!!! We will begin the Leader in Me program this fall and I am beyond thrilled to start it!! Your clip chart just makes me even more excited. Thank you for sharing!!! :)Allison
Live, Love, Learn in Fourth Grade
meu nome e raquelzinha! says
My kid is totally the stumbling block at home! Angel at school, struggles at home. Found your blog because I am looking tk reinforce the Leader and Me concepts at home. Love your sayings, but clueless to how they 'climb'. If you have time to clue me in to whether or not this is doable at home, I'd love it! Just pinned you on my Parenting board. How do I get a download?
Michelle McCraw says
Thank You for the Freebie. I really like this. I think that it will help my kids to focus on how to fix their problem or set their goal rather than on what is wrong or how "good" they are.
Anonymous says
Bdayo.Com was created with one goal in mind; to help our users enjoy, celebrate, and remember their birthday! Bdayo allows you to find unlimited amount of Birthday Freebies in your area and offer unique features to help you learn more about that special day!
Victoria says
Is this still available? When I click on the picture something else in your TPT Store comes up- I would love this for my classroom!
Abby says
It is! Click on the 7 Habits tab at the top of the blog. ๐
Jen says
Love this idea! I use a up and down clip chart, but I also had a student that would become very upset at being on yellow or orange. I got to where I didn't want to say anything even if his behavior wasn't great. Good idea to let me decide with the situation, instead of the chart!!!!
Anonymous says
This is awesome! Would you happen to have this in a Spanish version or an editable version?
Unknown says
Hi, I really like the behavior chart but unfortunately, I can't download it. The dropbox shows the arrow. Can someone help me??? Please!!! My email is mzaligan@yahoo.com
Thank you!
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Unknown says
Love this!! We are becoming a Leader in Me school this year, 2018. I would love a fresh Clip chart for this new concept. How can I get a copy of this one?