So, last year my teaching partner and I found ourselves investing waaaay too much money in our treasure box. When I discovered Kristen @ Ladybug’s Teacher Files and her fabulous Homeworkopoly board I was so excited! One of the things I really enjoyed about the rewards she suggested is that they were all FREE. My kids are ALL doing their homework – it is quite a feat at our school! If you are struggling at all with homework completion, or you are looking for a fun weekly reward click on the blue link above to check it out. It’s fabulous!
Well, we got a staff email this week telling us we can no longer have our students eat in the room (Lunch Bunch) because there are M-I-C-E in our building!!!! Apparently, they moved in during construction this summer when the workers left the doors wide open. YUCK! They are working really hard to get rid of them, but their efforts will be useless if we continue eating in the room.
Lunch Bunch is one of our most popular rewards. I’m really sad that we won’t be able to do it anymore. Does anyone have any fun free rewards they use with their kids? I would LOVE some suggestions.
I do free recess some weeks and other weeks, I do free time when the kids can color, play cards, do puzzles, or play checkers. The students earn minutes throughout the week, by doing homework, following directions, etc. This is easy, free, and fun!
YAY for FREE rewards – here are some things we do:
5 minute walk-around-the-track break w/counselor (that's me!)
Free homework PASS
Swap own chair for teacher chair or sit at teacher's desk
Reading to a former teacher's class
You earn 5 extra minutes recess for class
You get to choose a class activity
Extra time in favorite center
Plan and lead morning meeting (a crowd favorite!!!)
Lunch on the stage at a restaurant-style table in our cafetorium
Good phone call or happy-gram home
Recognition at our mid-week community morning gathering
Have a positive visit to the principal, counselor, nurse or AP
Operate the remote or assist teacher in other ways
Be the caboose and turn out the lights – kids LOVE being the Watt Watcher!
Help our maintenance man
Help design/create a bulletin board
Earn special storytime with an administrator for the whole class
Teach the class or read them a story – kind of like being STAR student
Get a Character Pencil from the counselor (PTO buys these for us!)
The Corner On Character
Check out this blog First Grader…at Last! She made a catalog witih FREE rewards
Oh, bummer about lunch brunch getting canceled. That is one of my favorites. I put cartoons on and let them watch. Other free rewards I use are…getting to use pen, computer time, sit by a friend for a day, and positive postcard home (I like this to be a surprise). ~Amanda @ The Teaching Thief
I had a special table in the cafe that I would sit with the kids at, we also had a conference room we could use from time to time for special lunches… we were also having some issues with your little furry friends..