I missed August’s Currently, so I’m really excited to jump back on the Farley train! ๐
Anybody else enjoying a Labor Day on their own? My sweet boy is out peddling wine and I am enjoying a rare day at home on my own. DVR, oh how I’ve missed you! Law and Order:SVU, Weeds, NY Med… we’re catching up today!
And Mr. Adam Levine. Sigh. I love my husband. I do. But that man? (Fans self.) This album is a lot of fun.
Anyone else starting ITBS and COGat this early? I totally forgot to cover up/turn around charts/etc. before I left on Friday. Blaaaaaaaaah. These poor kiddos. They are not ready for 8 days of testing. We’ve barely gotten 5 minutes of reading stamina down. HA!
I, however, have been a reading FOOL. I’m pretty sure my sweet boy is going to stop being so sweet if I don’t stop buying new books. Here are a few of my (non-teaching related) recent faves:
Just a few notes about the titles:
Since we are a Leader in Me and 7 Habits school, we dedicate each month to a different habit. One Smile supports Habit 1: Be Proactive. Be on the lookout for some lessons on how I’m bringing this into my classroom!
Go link up! It’s fun to peek through everyone’s lists. Most importantly… remember the RULE of 3!! ๐

I LOVE SVU!! Every time it is on TV (if it isn't over 15 minutes in already) I watch it. I don't know what it is. That and Burn Notice.
Very cute blog! I'm your newest follower!
Second Grade Nest
My school is starting ITBS testing on the 17th and I'm pretty sure they aren't ready for it either! Having it this early in the year legit makes no sense!
Marvelous Multiagers!
Adam Levine is one hottie! I agree!
Good luck with Cogat and ITBS… ours is next week. SVU is my ultimate favorite!
My Second Sense
I have a little celebrity crush on Adam Levine too! Thank goodness for a long weekend. We've only been back for 1 week, and I'm exhausted!!
I Teach. What's Your Super Power?
Love your blog. The colors are my favorite! I am also doing laundry so my hubby and I have clothes for the week. I'm exhausted as well and I am just starting week three! Hope you have enjoyed your three day weekend. This is my last one til Thanksgiving.
Special Teaching in the Middle